Shivpriya, this side
I have always wanted a place of my own. A place that I could be myself at without the fear of filtering what I say. I am usually someone you'll get along with. This place isn't about my work or any other ways of me earning my bread and butter. This is just me ranting, scribbling and overall telling you other bits to my personal life.
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Dear Cricket Soul, I find myself putting pen to paper, or rather fingers to keys, in a moment of reflection...
Before you start bashing me, I’d like to start by saying, good for you, congratulations if you are married...
Before I must start to write about this, please know, that it’s not a moral-based writeup, or rather...
What feminism does not mean? -Hating men or promoting to hate men or bringing them down. Calling all...
Before this year hit, I’d always dreamt of having stuck holidays and shutdowns around the people...
Of all these kings around with no palaces, of all the people, who seem to know what I exactly feel, my...
Sometimes I sit back and see these abundant collection of photos and videos that I take. And sometimes, when you lose people in your life, the only way you live their presence is through these photographs and you keep going back to them. I have my share of regrets, but you shouldn’t, so take as many photographs that you should. Life is too short to worry about the phone memory. Cheers!